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Virtual 4.20 Link Up & Networking Event

Welcome to what will be one of the best virtual networking events during COVID-19.

While you flow to the delicate sounds of Neo-soul music collected over the years, embrace a true stretch while you are led through a 60 minute Restorative Yoga flow led by The Nakiyah Chanel. During this time we will be celebrating 4.20 while, optionally, enjoying cannabis items of your choice from your own residence.

Stick around afterwards while we commune and enjoy some networking and discussion on ways to implement, stay afloat, and stay on top of our businesses while being forced to work from home. Let’s learn about new businesses and share tips on how we manage life during a Stay-at-Home Order.

$5 Donations should be used to register, and once complete, you will receive a link for the Link Up on 4.20!

See you on your mat!